Jen and Anna are just chatting away as I bleed my life into my work. Check out my workstation. I'm sure that +Alan will be pleased to know that they share my workspace with an icon of the Blessed Trinity. I am a theology machine! Grrr!
Word Count for Eucharistic Ecclesiology (Updated whenever I get fidgety):
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5,308 / 7,000 (75.8%) |
In the Eucharist, Jesus comes to create unity through the exercise of judgment in the community now, as the eschatological judgment and restoration is brought into the present (Cavanaugh 235-36):
"For those who are not in Christ, judgment likewise does not simply await the parousia; people are already getting sick and dying as a consequence of eating an drinking without discerning the body of Christ. Paul is not speaking metaphorically; the Eucharist can kill you. We must stress that it is not the church which disciplines, but the Lord who disciplines the church. Furthermore, this is not a matter for the 'soul' alone. Those who 'eat and drink judgment against themselves' feel the effects in their very flesh" (236).
- William T. Cavanaugh, Torture and Eucharist: Theology, Politics and the Body of Christ, Blackwell Publishers: Oxford, 1998.
Very nice - us three and THE Three watching over you as you write. :)
Ok, I have to say that I find it a bit wierd and a tad obsesive that you have a COUNTER! But it doesn't surprise me. You're still my friend though. :)
Love & Peace,
The PLU code for Chiquita bananas at the grocery is 4011.
I can tell you all about being "a bit weird and a tad obsessive."
Kyle... That is a bit obsessive... Therapy, maybe??
Looks like you're up to 4,847 words. You're making progress. Keep going!
Click it. I discovered it on Amy Welborn's site.
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