Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Collect for the Catholic Church

I'm going to Toledo for the next two days to spend some time with the Heart of North America network, our colleagues in the Anglican Mission. I am, God willing, to be given the canonical standing of "lay catechist" in the Church of Rwanda, with the apostolic commission to preach the Gospel, seek wandering sheep, teach the Faith, and otherwise function as a pastor.

It's an interesting thing to do, just after GAFCON, and during the Lambeth Conference. I wouldn't have seen this in the summer of 2002, that's for certain.

I wrote another collect last week. I like to read them during the Prayers of the People (the intercessions), and I always have them approved by the Rector, since they are intercessions with particular theological content.
Loving God, you founded your Church on the cornerstone of Jesus Christ to experience and implement your plan for the world's redemption, and gave us the Scriptures and the Creeds to guide us in your Truth. Grant us the gift of your Spirit so that we would always continue in that religion which is both Catholic and Biblical.

Lord, in your mercy
Hear our prayer

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Collect for the Memorial of Mary Magdalene

Some of the things I find in Lesser Feasts and Fasts are not as theologically rich as I would prefer. If you're going to commorate something, do it write. So in true LOLAnglicanz fashion, I duz it bedder.
Almighty God, by your deep compassion you delivered and healed Mary Magdalene from the affliction of demons. Secure in your love even after the Crucifixion of the Lord, she emerged from the night of shattered hopes to anoint the Body of your Son at the morning light. Upon her encounter with the Risen One, Jesus sent her as an "Apostle to the Apostles," proclaiming, "I have seen the Lord!" For the sake of your mission and this same compassion, we beg you to heal us from the dark forces that keep us from abundant life, and set us free to love you with undivided hearts and preach with boldness the Resurrection of your Son.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Collect after the Commemoration of Benedict

Lately, whenever the commemoration/feast day of a saint comes 'round, I take time to write a collect that highlights the way a particular sister or brother served God's purposes, and ask God to give us a measure of the same Spirit. I offer it during our free intercessions, which is where we put in any "extra" collects beyond the Proper for the day.
Almighty God, you desire all your people to walk in holiness, and to know the transformation of our lives that comes with the continual renewing of our minds. You moved your servant Benedict of Nursia so long ago to establish communities that would shine as “schools of the Lord’s service,” and offer a beacon of hope in a dark culture. Give us this same grace, to order our houses and our common life in such a way as to cultivate holiness and love for our neighbor. Make us faithful and fruitful like your servant Benedict, and cause us to persevere in disciplining our desires, until the Day when, through your mercy, we may with Mary, Patrick, Benedict, and all your saints, attain to your eternal joy.

Lord, in your mercy

Hear our prayer