Sunday, April 29, 2007

Fun Pranks


Did you know that a $250 check to the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention makes you a Southern Baptist church?

No, really! "Borrow" the checkbook of your local emerging catholic catholic church, apostate episcopalian parish, or wiccan coven (the last two are often the same thing) and find out for yourself!

Wouldn't your local Roman priest be vexed to find himself invited as a messenger to the convention this summer? Try it today!


SaintSimon said...

Should I laugh or should I cry?! THis post just hits the nail on the head on so many levels.

Br. Jonathan said...

I should do that. Then my own apartment would be a Southern Baptist Church. My S.B grandmother would be SO happy to know that I'm in the Lord's House every day.

Kyle said...

See, everybody wins!