Saturday, March 25, 2006

Ecclesiology III: Bearing Witness

3 Lent
"…the Church is the body called to be the community of the last times, that is to say, to realize in its life the promised and inaugurated reconciliation of all things. It therefore becomes an echo of the life of the Trinity when it is enabled by the Spirit to order its life to where that reconciliation takes place in time, that is to say, in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus."
Colin E. Gunton, "The Church on Earth: The Roots of Community," in On Being the Church: Essays on the Christian Community, eds. Collin E. Gunton and Daniel W. Hardy (T&T Clark: Edinburgh, 1989), 79.
"The renewal of the contemporary Church that is appropriate will not focus on strategies, ecstatic experiences or signs of apparent power, but will rather issue from a more focused indwelling of the gospel story through the common life, worship and sacraments of the Church, and from the consequent presence of the Spirit, shaping the community of the Church in coherence with the gospel it proclaims."
John E. Colwell, Living the Christian Story: The Distinctiveness of Christian Ethics, (Clark: London, 2002), 165.

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1 comment:

Expax said...

I really enjoyed the quotes.